The beginning of the final phase of the preparations for the Olympic Games in Atlanta, this involves living and competing in the U.S for large periods of time.

In January participates in two competitions in the USA, in the Olympic Regatta Petersburg Star and Olympic week in Miami, getting a 2nd and 5th place respectively.

Participates in the SAR Trophy Princess Sofia Cup Spain and getting a 2nd and 1s. place.

In April particpates the European Olympic Qualification Regatta, Regatta used to select the European countries that may participate in the Olympic Games Atlanta 96, giving him 2nd place.

During the second half of June is proclaimed champion European Campion for the third consecutive time, becoming the first sailor in the world in this class that gets this historic milestone.

Three weeks later the Olympic Games starts, with authoritative win in the the first race, but unfortunately, due to technical problems with damages in the third rece and the weather is getting him away from the podiu. Ends with a deserved Olympic Diploma (7th).

The International Federation, ISAF, IYRU old, invites him to join the advisory committee of sailors.